#20DaysWithWords Day 13

If You Could Take Your 6 Year Old Self on a Field Trip, Where Would You Go?
Six year old RiRi was still heavily engulfed in the Spice Girls craze in ’98, so we definitely would have gone to a concert. We would sing all the songs on the way (including the ones my little ass should not have known by heart, let alone heard!). We would stop for dinner at Fox’s Pizza (six year old RiRi’s favorite). We would buy all of the merchandise the concert had to offer (anything with Scary Spice alone would get bought twice because yes, Girl Power, but Black Power first). I would let little RiRi cry and scream and get all her energy out in her favorite way. She’d sleep in the car and I’d feed her mind affirmations on the way home. I’d tell her that she’s beautiful inside and out and never to doubt that she can do for little girls one day, what Scary Spice does for her.
by @Bri.Stories
I honestly don't want to take any 6 year olds anywhere, and that includes myself! Kids are crazy. The only 6 year old I will take out is my amazing nephew whom I consider my first born. His favorite restaurant is McDonalds and it just so happens that when I was 6 that was my favorite restaurant as well. So I guess I'd treat baby Tati and my nephew to a happy meal.
by @AyeTati