#20DaysWithWords Day 15

Write About Something You Always Think "What If?" About
Okay, so I don’t “always” think about this, in fact, I haven’t at all until I settled in to start writing. But yo! When I was around 6 or 7, we moved to Greenbay, Wisconsin for an amount of time that is so short that I haven’t even thought about it until right now. While there, however, my big brother and I attended a K through 8th school where we were 2 out of 4 Black kids. Seriously, it was just us and another set of siblings in the same grades. Strange. What if we would have stayed there??? The journey through Woke Black Womanhood may have never occurred! I may have owned a Mandy Moore cd! I may have grown to be a basic who measures joy in pumpkin spice lattes and avocado toast! I may have never worn a fro! Do you know how much I Love my fro when it’s being kind to me? I may have dated a Ken doll all through high school who had a passive aggressively racist grandmother who always got excused because she’s just so “old and out of touch”. I may have grown fond of the taste of unseasoned chicken! I may have never gone to a juke-a-thon!! I may have never begged for money on the way to school to get a mix cd and a bag of Frooties! The fucking horror! Thank God YeYo got us out that jam.
by @Bri.Stories
Easy! What if Moesha had never gotten canceled??? Most people close to me know that I worship Ms. Brandy Norwood and that Moesha is my favorite sitcom of all time! And these same people know that I was truly devastated when Moesha came to an end in its 6th season. I, to this day, believe that Moesha was one of the realest portrayals of black family life on television. At least it was for my generation. I was sad to lose the show because it had become a part of me. An extended family member that I got to spend 30min once a week with. BUT that's not the reason this is a tragedy. The reason is because it ended on a cliff hanger! The fans did not get a sentimental farewell that tied up all the loose strings and allowed each character to take a bow. No! Moesha ended with her little brother being kidnapped, the possibility of someone being pregnant, and Mo considering moving in with her boyfriend! These are big cliffhangers for a die hard fan like myself. So I'm always thinking about what if all my questions got to be answered? What if there was just one more season, or at least a reunion!? Dang!
by @AyeTati