#20DaysWithWords Day 17

Write About Your 35 Year Old Self
Nine years from now I am happy. Happy to be the person I dream of now. Happy to be raising a bright, beautiful, and talented 11 year old girl. Happy to be a published author. Happy to still be a part of YeMash Publishing. Happy to be a homeowner. Happy to be in love. Happy to be a partner to my soulmate. Happy to have taco Tuesdays and pizza Fridays with my family. Happy to have shopping sprees. Happy to have a library in my home. Happy to still have the same friends I've had my entire life. Happy to travel the world. Happy to choose to stay in instead of going out. Happy to finally be body goals. Happy to binge watch episodes of The Hills on my free time. Happy to have finally developed a taste for coffee. Happy that other than a few monetary gains I am still the same woman I've always been.
by @AyeTati
I go out of my way to appear organized and level-headed, and still fail pretty often. I can’t lie, it gets very overwhelming with all that I’m juggling. I work a corporate job and spend more time in the office than my own house, but still refuse to lose sight of my creative goals and passion projects. My nights and weekends are solely dedicated to YeMash and Away With Words The Podcast, and I still push myself to sing sometimes. I’m tired. All the fucking time and some days I’m sad too. Exhausted. Drained. The thought of myself at 35 truly keeps me going. With all that I do now, all the experience I’m gaining, all the mistakes that I’m open to making, it’s only the gear of the ultimate level up. By the time I’m 35, I’ll be untouchable and a well known force. With a platform under my belt that’s put me and my people on, I’m gonna be 2027’s most hash-tagged about in the #Goals category. My bank account will be astronomical and the support source of comfort and preservation for myself, my family, and countless organizations that I truly believe in. I’ll be a master of creating my peace. I’ll have perfected my light and it’ll guide many. I’ll be a boss ass, bomb ass, positive ass, fine ass, glowing ass, Woman. I’m happy to say, I’m damn near there.
by @Bri.Stories