Bri StoriesComment

Feeling Good Feels Good

Bri StoriesComment
Feeling Good Feels Good

My mind is kind of full and empty at the same time, so I’m just going to try this. I’m going to free type for ten minutes and see what happens. I guess, see if anything “useful” comes out, but if nothing does, I’m satisfied with just flexing my writing muscle. I should probably be doing that more often. Writing more often, in general. Not just because I want to put a piece out or because I have something due. At the same time, though, I feel like it’s fine. 

I probably only feel so unproductive because I had a pretty loose end of the week/weekend. Which is great, but I do know that I need to maintain structure. I have to be intentional about how I do that when I’m not home. Because as I’ve found multiple times, I do know what it takes to feel my best. And slipping up is never a reason to be down on myself, but I should also be careful to not make slipping up a habit. I’m figuring it out, I’m getting it together. 

Feeling good, I’m finding, is extremely important. I’m having what I believe is a full circle moment. In 2014 or so, when I was first introduced to The Secret and the concept of the law of attraction, I put it in turbo drive. Over a bunch of years, experience, and reflecting, I found that there needed to be some balance in my thinking and beliefs, as “positive” as they were. Now, I’m in a space where one of the main things I learned back in those days has come back to me. It’s about feeling good. 

I guess I was beginning to touch on this in last week’s piece, but didn’t know how much deeper the thought was implanting itself in my present space. I’m starting to see, or remember, how pivotal it is to just remain in a space of feeling good. The thing about setting an intention to feel good is that there’s no losing scenario. If you feel good, and it’s true that feeling good will attract more of what feels good to you, then you’re golden. But even if, somehow, that isn’t the truth. Even if feeling good won’t attract a thing. Feeling good feels good. There’s no reason not to strive for it. 

Now, what I wrote last week comes into play exactly as I needed it to, because I don’t want to fake it. I am done with the days of slapping glitter over the shitty ways I felt. If I don’t like something, I can say that. If something doesn’t feel good, I’m going to acknowledge it. I’m going to be honest, I’m just going to take an extra step after that acknowledgement, and see if I can find something, anything at all, in that space that feels good. Or at least better. 

Today, I did this in my journal. Then on twitter. I thought about some things that I don’t feel good about and I converted them to gratitude statements that were absolutely true. I let myself acknowledge how uncomfortable it is feeling so uncertain in the unemployment process. Then I said, I am thankful for the way that money flows to me in ways that I don’t have to work for. This is true. If I wanted, I could have stayed in my bed for this whole year after being furloughed from my job of 9 years. And money was going to come to me regardless, thanks to unemployment benefits. 

I have the thought that my ego doesn’t want to associate itself with such a thing, it’s nervous about how it’s possible that I could “do nothing” and still be paid enough to stay afloat. But my Higher Self knows I’ve done enough. I do enough, and I needn’t do anything, and I can still be compensated and well taken care of. This is a better truth. A truth that has proof to it, and feels better. It feels like the perspective shift that can help me to continue to attract a life of ease, comfort, and abundance. I just have to work on my resistance. 

And I am. I’m being gentle and understanding that it makes sense for me to be resistant. For so many years of my life that’s what I was taught and shown. The reward for breaking your back, losing sleep, and working until you’re tired is money and the lifestyle you want, not anything less. I don’t have to believe that now, though. 

I’m looking forward to seeing what could come with this intention of feeling good. The possibilities are endless and I know that deep down. My Higher Self hasn’t lied to me yet, so I’m excited for what’s to come. Most importantly, I’m just excited to feel good, to want to feel good, and to make it a priority in my life.