
Here at YeMash we are devoted to words. This means that we understand and appreciate the art and magic of the written word. My heart raced the first time I read a Sister Souljah novel, and my heart ached the first time I read Tupac’s “A Rose that Grew From Concrete”. My life was changed forever by these two literary geniuses and it continues to change with every adjective and every noun that's typed on a piece of paper and makes its way to my heart.
I like to consider myself a fellow writer that could one day change someone else's life, however, my own life seems to always get in the way of the journey. You can get so busy working, dating, or in my case raising a child, that you forget to write it down.
So, in an effort to get all of our Wordies (myself included) back on track, we are introducing #20DaysWithWords. There will be a blog post from yours truly everyday for 20 days starting August 1st. As you know it ain't no fun if your friends can't have none so I'm inviting all of you guys to join in! Email me your take on each day’s challenge! You'll be featured on the blog, and if it's really good and juicy, you may also receive a shoutout on Away With Words The Podcast!
Below is a list of the topics for the 20 day challenge. Pick any date and topic you'd like to write about and email me at yemash.theblog@gmail.com. Also be sure to include which topic you’re submitting in the subject box. I look forward to reading!
Day 1: Write about your favorite smell
Day 2: Tell the story of your first kiss
Day 3: List five songs you're living right now
Day 4: Write a letter to someone
Day 5: Write about what your dream home looks and feels like
Day 6: Explain why your favorite song is your favorite song
Day 7: List your top three pet peeves
Day 8: Write about someone who inspires you
Day 9: Tell the story of your first love
Day 10: Write about your sexiest article of clothing
Day 11: Detail your ideal date
Day 12: Tell the story of the last time you cried
Day 13: If you could take your 6 year old self on a field trip. Where would you go?
Day 14: List five ways to win your heart
Day 15: Write about something you always think “what if?” about
Day 16: Write about a celebrity crush
Day 17: Write about your 35 year old self
Day 18: Write an I forgive you letter to someone who has hurt you
Day 19: List five things that make you really happy
Day 20: Write about your goal(s) for the next 30 days