Bri StoriesComment

Introducing Intuition

Bri StoriesComment
Introducing Intuition

So, I’m learning that in this life, every journey leads right into another one. My experience has been feeling extremely synchronistic lately. Each lesson that I let in ushers me into a new one, and the new simply could not be without the one before. I know that because all of these themes have been things I’ve already learned in some way or another. It’s only in this order, though, that it’s really seeming to come together for me. 

It’s finally clicked that I need to focus on feeling good, and what I need to do to keep that focus sharp. That’s led me to reassessing my manifesting power. And what’s manifestation without intuition? Introducing the bad bitch of the spiritual path: inner guidance. Highest self, gut, intuition. All that. This is the key of keys. So, what is our intuition? 

The word “intuition” is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, and also, a sixth sense or clairvoyance. It’s a knowing. It’s as logical as it is magical. It is the provider of answers if only we’d ask, but we rarely ask. Many of us are convinced to seek outside of ourselves for answers and guidance. We learn to trust everything but us. It’s my belief that it is imperative to unlearn this distrust in ourselves. 

I had a moment last week. I was trying to rip open some plastic on a bottle of hair product. I did what I always do when tasks like these are too difficult, I broke out the scissors. I looked at the direction the scissor’s blade was in and I literally said to myself, “you’re about to cut yourself”, and do you know what I did? I kept at it. And I absolutely cut myself. Right on my index finger, and it fucking hurt. 

Because this was so stupid, I let out half a laugh as I held my finger under the faucet. Then, I thought to myself, what was that? Why was it so easy for me to hear that clear message (not to mention the common sense), and still remain in the direction of harming myself? 

I used to have this weird little mental game when I was a kid. If I pictured something, the “rule” was  because I’d seen it in my mind, the opposite would happen. Now, I don’t know why I did this, but I did for a long time. I literally trained myself to believe that I was never right. That what came up in my mind’s eye would never come to fruition. No wonder I’ve struggled as an adult to lean on my intuition. 

I declare this the end of that road. Through affirmations and intention, I decide that my intuition is my super-power. I’m going to let it save me. At this moment, I just saw 222. I’m going to take that as a positive omen that this is the next step on my ever-winding journey. The secret sauce of our desires is right inside of us. 

So, I’m obviously letting you all in on the first step of this process for me. I’m sorry if you read this far hoping for more of an advisory on how to use and lean on your own intuition. All I have now is the same invitation I am offering myself. Trust that you know. Trust that you are already all you need to be to make the beautiful things you desire happen in your life. 

Next time you find yourself confused, ask and be still. Let the answer come from your inner being, and trust it enough to follow it. Onward.