Mrs. , Mrs. Jones

To end our Month of Mothers, AjaNoAsia’s Mother, Mrs. Jones (you gotta sing it) came through to give us a heavy dose of class (we call her First Lady). Mrs. Jones is a teacher and former president of her teacher’s union who keeps herself heavily involved in the Teachers Association and many political pockets of her community. She teaches at Bri Stories’ former high school, so of course Bri had to quickly reminisce on the effect Mrs. Jones had on all the boys in school (she got dat body).
After the ladies check in, they dive into the Discovery Zone to discuss a Facebook status that Aja came across regarding how much of the “household” expenses should be handled by the male partner (husband). Mrs. Jones gives us her experience as a wife and says, “my husband is not my roommate, we are helpmates to one another”. The ladies conclude that communication is always key and you should not shy away from letting your partner know your financial situation in order to work together. In other discoveries, the ladies discuss the Black owned firm that is said to be repairing the water supply in Flint, Michigan. Bri Stories prays that no white devil gets in their way. Another trash Discovery made is the 28 year old teacher in Georgia who was caught kissing his ten year old male student. Apparently, the child was offered candy in exchange for the kiss, and frankly (not to make light), Dria P cannot believe these kids are still folding for candy, like….candy? Okay. Bri Stories suggested that all teachers/administrators are not only background checked, but psychologically analyzed before dealing with any children. Mrs. Jones agreed to use her status to see what we can do in our local districts.
For the Mommy portion, we were able to pick Mrs. Jones’ brain about what makes Aja so nuts (Mrs. Jones is pretty much as clueless about that as we are). She let us know that Aja gets her “can do” spirit from her. She spent some time commending Aja for her ability to be a good friend (we agree), and talks about how Aja could totally be a comedian (we also agree). From there, we get into even more interesting gab from why she doesn’t post much on social media (and wishes Aja would stop using hers to talk about folks’ mamas), to how cracking a Rich Township High School reality show would be (MJM Productions, where you at??). She gave us plenty of interesting insight and gems that is useful for every Woman looking to acquire the mindset of First Lady.
We’d like to make sure that everyone knows that we’re definitely petty…we just haven’t been in the Petty Parlor lately, but don’t worry, we’ll be back. However, we still need folks to Knock it the Fuck Off. This week’s list includes, two teachers who decided to throw hands in front of their class, Urban Outfitters acting like white people made up hair jewelry, and Bri Stories simply cannot take the fact that albums and movies just come out too quickly!
In more positive thoughts, Bri Stories’ Praises Due went to Ebony Magazine for their beautifully positive depiction of Chance the Rapper in his cover issue; also for an article they put out called Black Wall Street: A Legacy of Success, which shed some much needed light on our entrepreneurial ancestors and why their story should motivate us all to keep pushing, circulate money in our own communities, and reach success by any means necessary.
Black Wall Street: A Legacy of Success
We would like to thank Mrs. Jones for being willing to endure our silliness (and nosiness) and especially for giving us Aja. We particularly would like to thank her for using our platform to reiterate to our millennial listeners that we hold the power, and that it is imperative that we get involved in our communities from a political standpoint and beyond.
“You have to plant the seed so that others may bask in the shade of your tree” -Mrs. Jones
Thank you, again, for coming, and for being a Mother to us all. #MrsMrsJones