Tandom Thoughts - It's Not Him, It's You...Sometimes

Story time! I have a close guy friend who often lets me in on the inner workings of his relationships. He was recently seeing a young lady for about two weeks before she completely flipped out on him and ended their brief relationship. A week or two passed and she realized her mistake and asked for forgiveness. She received said forgiveness and the couple reunited. About a week in, while the two texted about random things such as, “what are you doing”, and “what did you eat today”, she completely unprovoked decides to tell him, “I want to have a baby in a couple of months”.
Pause. Those of us in our late twenties can maybe relate to shorty having baby fever. Who doesn’t want a family? The older a Woman gets the ticking of the biological clock does get loud. BUT proposing a lifelong commitment with a man you have known for only a little over a month, and were recently on bad terms with seems a bit extreme and possibly sending the wrong message!
As a Woman, I often go IN on the opposite sex when in the comfort of friends. I talk about how completely absurd these young men have been for the past….decade or so. The lack of chivalry, the lack of respect, and the complete absence of consideration for others. I wonder how the concept of courting a Woman has become extinct. My lady friends and I mull this over with a glass of wine and we can never quite put our fingers on it. How is it that men who claim to be so simple are the most complicated of all!?
Never one to generalize, I’d like to make it clear that there is an exception to every rule and all of my male friends don’t act this way, so I’m pretty sure there are other men in the world who are above this behavior as well. For the men who do indulge in the savage lifestyle, I’m actually here to cut you some slack, because it’s been brought to my attention that you are not the only ones at fault.
Some of us want to get to the happy ending so bad that we are willing to put up with anything or force love in places that it clearly doesn’t fit. We’ve all fallen victim to the lonely syndrome including myself. BUT there has to be a certain level of respect that we demand as Women at all times.
Most men are not as emotional as Women. They don’t always need closure, they don’t need to stay friends, and if you’re willing to give it up fast enough they don’t even need to know your favorite color, sis.
If you’re just playing the field and not looking for anything serious than more power to you! Every woman doesn’t want to get married and every woman isn’t looking for something serious with every guy she meets. But, if you’re one of those women who wears your heart on your sleeve, I’d advise you to roll them up immediately. You can only be treated as bad as what you allow. It gets real in the field, be safe!