#20DaysWithWords Day 11

Detail Your Ideal Date
An ideal date for me can go so many different ways. It could be a "Netflix and chill" type of thing or a "put on something nice I'm taking you out tonight" type date. It just depends on the company and the intent of the man. I'm a simple girl and I really just want to go on a date with someone who's genuinely excited to be in my presence. We can keep it simple. Go have dinner or see a movie. Afterwards, since summertime Chi is still in full effect, we can take a drive downtown. Maybe walk by the Buckingham Fountain. Anything to continue building with each other and have good conversation. I love going out and eating just as much as the next girl. Especially the eating. BUT if we can't enjoy peace and quiet together, then you're not my type of guy.
by @AyeTati
by @BlackRibbonCrochet