#20DaysWithWords Day 10

Write About Your Sexiest Article of Clothing
I’ve gained weight, but rarely lack my confidence. It’s probably how I got to the weight I am now, actually. I never felt an issue with my body, especially when naked. Clothes, however, have made it a little challenging, the bigger I got. Certain clothes start to squeeze more than hug, angles become unflattering, shit spills where it shouldn’t, it can be a hot ass mess sometimes. I do adore my curves though, the actual shape of my body, the fact that my breasts still sit the same even though they're much bigger now. Workout gear shows these accents off in the most perfect way. Stretch pants and sports bras with loose fitting tank tops, I feel really hot in that. It also is helpful that those clothes help keep me motivated to workout too. Because, I guess I’m not trying to get any bigger than this here…:)
P.S. I also really enjoy nipple exposure. I know it’s super hit or miss (I’ve seen girls get DRAGGED for it), but it’s such a rush and a turn on. I can’t explain why, but I get why the ladies are into it these days.
by @Bri.Stories
Sexy has always been a combination of comfy and cute for me. You could put me in Rihanna's favorite dress and a pair of Beyoncé's shoes (not that I can fit anything in these ladies wardrobes) but if I don't feel comfortable in it then it's whack! Everybody knows I'm a sweatpants and tennis shoes kind of girl. I'd wear that everyday if I could. Well I actually can wear it every day but I try to put a little more cute in my comfy for special occasions. So the compromise is ripped jeans. I'm all about the ripped jeans this summer! They give a tom boy like me just the perfect amount sexy, but still allowing me to feel casual. 15 lbs lighter Tati was also all about a crop top. And I'll be back to that in no time! You heard it here first!
by @AyeTati
by @BlackRibbonCrochet