January Affirmations 2025

I talk a lot with my therapist and people I’m close to about this division that I feel within myself. Since being on a healing path which led me to deeper awareness, I sense myself as a child or teen or unhealed and then there’s this higher self. The me that is re-parenting me, in a sense.
The little me that is still ever existing feels very edgy about the decision that I made for this month’s quote - while, big me, chosen self me, is like “pop your shit!”. So…here it goes…
“It is always about cultivating the energy that we want to attract, trusting ourselves to be the things we want to see.” -Bri Stories
Yes, you read that right. I’ve quoted myself from the piece The Sculpture, that I wrote a little over a year ago. The decision even to do so is a testimony of what it is I’m saying in the quote. It’s about learning to trust ourselves deeply enough to see ourselves as our own masters, our own gurus. We are, after all, the experts of us. Well, at least we should be. If you don’t feel like an expert in yourself, I suggest you get on that.
I believe that in this human experience, we are all connected. Therefore, anyone can be our teacher. Often, though, we are encouraged only to look outward, when we have so much inside of ourselves to offer. So, is this a bit conceited of me? Maybe. More than anything, however, I hope you see it as permission to look to yourself for the very best guidance. You know what you need.
Here are some affirmations to usher this self-assured energy into our inner worlds:
I am the master of me.
I am perfectly made for the life I most desire.
I shift my focus from judgement of others to mastering myself.
Within me, I am equipped to find my own fulfillment.
I am so worthy of my own attention.
I trust myself deeply.
My intentions for myself and others are always pure.
I pray self-mastery upon us all. I believe that the impact of healing and fulfilling ourselves will equip us with what is needed to do our part in healing the world. By healing yourself, you are doing your part in healing the world. For that, I thank you.
Sending You so much Love into this new calendar year.