December Affirmations 2024

Hyper aware of the date, I looked through my notes, trying to remember if I’d already identified a quote for this month. I came across “December Quote?”, the question mark being very suited for this moment, as I truly didn’t remember what the quote was. As always, upon reading the quote that I clearly identified weeks ago, it is in this very moment that it truly resonates.
“Attention is the beginning of devotion.” -Mary Oliver
You know what they say, “where your attention goes, energy flows”, I’m not particularly sure who “they” is, but this concept is nearly everything to me. I am an avid meditator with anxiety. This means I coexist in very different mental dimensions - sometimes super present, hearing my breath, actively choosing my thoughts - other times holding on for dear life as my mind drags me to places I’d never RSVP to. But I always find a way to brake the imaginary car and reroute. Even if I’m already shook by the thought that briefly visited.
This is this month’s quote in practice. Since I understand that I am creating my reality (but if that’s too edgy for you, at the very least, my mood) with my repeated thoughts, then I understand that when I find myself with a choice of perspective, I ought to choose what feels best. I understand there are stages in life, where we look around and it seems that all we have to choose from is too bleak to create positivity out of - I have been there. Where I am now, though, is proof that the fight to find something, anything, to shift the balance in a better direction, is worth it.
Here are some affirmations to help with this work:
I am the master of my fate.
It is easy for me to put my attention where it feels best.
I use bad feelings as guidance and allow myself to be guided where I belong.
I give my attention to what grows and excites me.
Sending so much Love this season. Enjoy the photo above of me completely undone after my first time seeing Wicked. Perhaps, that amount of attention will manifest me an invite to Part 2’s premiere. ;)