Bri Stories6 Comments

October Affirmations 2021

Bri Stories6 Comments
October Affirmations 2021

Here we are. Q3. The start of October. SpookySzn, if you’re into that. If you’ve been keeping up with my writings, you’ll know I’ve been marching my way out of a space of depression. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, so I’m able to see that space with much more clarity being out of it, than I did while in it. What I came to appreciate is the natural ebb and flow of life, and that everything shifts, ends, and makes way for something new; even if it is familiar.

This revelation made this month’s quote so relevant and so sweet to me, and I hope as we enter the darker spaces that is winter, and the closing of a year, that we can all keep this in heart and mind.

“Joy and woe are woven fine.” -William Blake

What does this mean? It means that the light and the darkness are two sides of the same coin. It means that while in the midst of darkness, we can trust that we are safe there, and that the light isn’t too far behind it. Here are this month’s affirmations. Repeat as a meditation, focusing on the words and on your breath, or even write them down to keep them handy.

I find optimism even in darkness.

I trust all events to be for my highest good.

I trust my dark moments to work in my favor.

I know that everything is happening for me, not to me.

I find appreciation for my low moments.

I trust the process.

I am thankful for all forms my life takes.

I trust that I am supported.

I trust that I am protected.

I hope we all find it in us to carry these thoughts into any dark moments that may emerge. You are safe, and you are deserving of all of the light life has to offer. Sending You Love. Happy October.