Bri Stories2 Comments


Bri Stories2 Comments

Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit wobbly in balancing all of the inner work. As much I say that I align myself with alignment, what naturally is, and not what should be; I still have to decide what I want it to be, and I have to act in accordance with what I’ve decided. At least, that’s what I’m gathering. 

You see, I’m lazy. I don’t want to do things. I don’t want to work hard. So, my philosophy that I am co-creating with a Higher Power, and that Higher Power will fill in for me when I slip, really works for me. I still believe this to be true. I’m just seeing now that, perhaps, there’s a little more meeting my Higher Power halfway that needs to be done. 

I did a meditation the other day that guided me into defining my core values. I defined mine as “freedom, Love, and feeling good”. What does this mean for who I am moment by moment? To me, it means that if these are the things that I value, I have to be intentional about, not only giving these elements to myself, but embodying these elements as I connect with others. This, is the part that takes intention. 

It’s nice because it really is another one of those moments when everything I’ve learned just starts to come together, flowing into one another. I’m already committed to practicing presence. With presence, I want to master the pause, and respond rather than impulsively react. Now, I know that if I want to embody my values, my pauses should include a quick questioning of whether my values are incorporated into my potential response. 

This, I’ve found, is the latest thing that is going to take a lot of practice. So, I have to get clear on what each value means to me and how they will show up in my connection to Self and others. 

  1. Freedom. Freedom is a value I’ve always had. It may be the Aquarius in me, but obligations and restrictions just never sat right within me. For myself, this has to mean that my actions are in alignment with my overall pursuit of freedom. With others, this means continuing to mind my business, release judgement, and create space for the people around me to live their lives in alignment with their own freedom.

  2. Love. Love is also not a new value, but my definition and expression of Love is continuously evolving. For me, this means treating myself with unconditional Love. Accepting me, supporting me, defending me, and putting myself in the best conditions as much as I can; these conditions being physically, mentally, and emotionally. For others, this means treating everyone with Love, and removing myself from them if I find that I can’t, knowing that that too is an act of Love.

  3. Feeling good. So, this one is newer. I don’t think I’ve ever said that feeling good is a value of mine, but I have seen it as something of importance for a while. For me, this means keeping up with the routines, rituals, and people who make me feel my best. Nothing less. For others, this means being intentional with the ways that I treat them for the result of them feeling good as a response to me.

So, I’ve got my values defined, and I think I know what it looks like to embody them. So, now I have to just…do it. Wish me luck.