Bri StoriesComment

April Affirmations 2022

Bri StoriesComment
April Affirmations 2022

You know what I could use? A shift in perspective. I’m learning how to land on both feet when plans I thought I had get swept up from beneath me. It’s hard, but it’s always necessary to see the good in the ways things have changed, even if we never approved of those changes. It’s imperative, if you really think about it. Feeling good is one of my top three values, I wouldn’t be acting in alignment with my values if I succumbed to the negative thoughts that come when things don’t go my way. So, I have to shift. Grieve when I have to, those plans, those hopes, but keep it pushing in positivity. Here’s this month’s quote.

“If You are willing to rethink how You see, You may be surprised what comes into view.” -Aaron Morris

In other words, don’t block your blessings with your upset. Good things are always coming, be ready to receive, don’t spend too much time pouting about what didn’t happen. Just get ready for what will happen in its place. Here are some affirmations to get us in the feel of it.

I am thankful for the ability to shift my perspective.

I see the bright side in every situation.

I accept that all things happen for my highest good.

I am always looking for the good in a challenge.

I am open to the good that I cannot even imagine.

I am willing to reframe my thoughts.

I choose to see things positively.

This month, may we see the good, and welcome the good in expectedly. Good things are always on the way, but are You always prepared to receive? Get into it. Happy April. Sending You Love.