Bri StoriesComment

Spring Cleaning

Bri StoriesComment
Spring Cleaning

Maybe you’ve already noticed this about me, but I’m a huge fan of day 1s, fresh starts, new beginnings. That’s why I treat every first of the month like a new year, every birthday, and of course, every start to spring. The Spring Equinox is the real start to our new year. The world around us is literally thawing out, creating the ability for growth to restart in spaces that have been stagnant in the winter months. It’s really beautiful and symbolic. 

As a person who is already challenged with depression, I learned about seasonal depression what feels like eons ago; but lately, I’ve been hearing about it more than ever. With that alone plus the two years of being knee deep in a full on pandemic, I think this spring is going to be extra poppin’. Of course though, when so much time has been spent at what feels like a stand-still, we run the risk of going a little crazy the first chance we get. Let’s ease ourselves in. 

Spring cleaning is just a good idea. Purging what no longer fits or makes sense for us is the best way to create space for the new to grow in. So, before we get crazy for the spring and summer, a good, thorough spring cleaning needs to be the first thing on our lists. When I say thorough, I mean thorough. All spaces. Of course, the physical spaces that we’ve inhabited (maybe more than ever before), but also our spiritual, emotional, and energetic space needs clearing too. 

We don’t want to go into new seasons with the same old garbage that was holding us back in the last one. This means we have to take an honest look at ourselves. Who are we in our day to day? What are our habits? What haven’t we yet let go of? What’s keeping us stuck in a worry loop? Really. Ask yourself all of these questions, and be honest, 

If you wrote the answers to these questions down, I bet you’d find some things you’re ready to leave behind. Say goodbye to them. Thank them for the ways they may have brought you the comfort or protection you needed in a certain space, and let them know that they are no longer needed. This can be difficult, so it may be better or easier to replace instead of eliminate. 

If you’ve identified a worry loop and negative thoughts that have kept it going, this is a good space to fill with affirmations. If you’ve picked up habits that aren’t healthy or serving to who you want to be, replace them with better habits; habits that are in line with your highest self. Think of your springtime self, your sunny self, what is that person like? What does it look and feel like to act as that version of you? 

Trust me, I know how woo-woo this all sounds, but I promise, so much of the cleansing has to happen in our minds before we can ever get to squeaky clean in every other space of life. Give yourself the space and the time to spring clean with and for yourself. Start the season off with your best you. 

Away With Words The Podcast Episode on the topic of Spring Cleaning. Enjoy!