Bri StoriesComment

LuvMe Hair

Bri StoriesComment
LuvMe Hair

As a writer and podcaster, Black History Month and the following Women’s History Month come with the pressure to create content around it. In the pursuit of getting more eyes on my work, I find myself tempted to use the buzz words and get everyone interested in my version of what everyone else is talking about. However, my rebellion and Aquarian urge to do nothing that everyone else is doing is strong right now. Not just because I don’t want to do what’s trendy, but because I celebrate being a Black Woman every day. 

I have the honor and privilege of being a Black Woman. That means so many things to so many of us. As I creep my way to 30, I’m letting what being a Black Woman means to Me ebb and grow. There are so many telltale signs of being a Black Girl. 

Things like our memories of playing double dutch in the park, recording all the Black tunes on our voicemails in the 90s and 2000s, and the dances we memorized from every Top 10 music video show are just a few of our collectively shared experiences. The most universal experience, I think, is our hair journeys. 

As individuals and as a community, Black Hair is a genre all its own. Black Hair is everything but conventional, and I Love that its never stopped surprising Me. As our access to the mainstream grows with social media, we have even more inspiration from fellow Black Girls on their own hair slay journeys. I, for one, am a Black Girl who needs that desperately. 

I’ve never been great with my own hair. My Mama didn’t know how to do much with it, she always kept hers braided up, so for much of my youth, she did the same for Me. As a young adult with my hair in my own hands, I’ve dabbled with sew-ins, all types of dyes, and eventually a big chop. I’ve gotten on the naturalista wave and discovered the ease and beauty of protective styles. 

Unlike, My Mama, however, I do crave some more spontaneity when it comes to my hair. Braids and twists are gorgeous and provide so much convenience and variety, but I do like the option of switching it up on the daily. Now, as You find Me here, I am officially on the wig wagon. 

*Cues Angelic Harmonies*

LuvMe Hair has saved the day and paved the way for the next chapters on my hair journey. About a year ago, three of my friends treated themselves to the affordable luxury of a LuvMe Hair wig. I was shocked to see how different they all were from each other. The best part, these weren’t my hair savvy friends, these friends were like Me, nowhere near hair guru status. 

This alone, had Me sold. 

The comfort and ease the LuvMe wig that I now have gives Me exactly what I was looking for in ease, convenience, and a spontaneous switch up. I Love the Black Girls who tap into their Black Girl Magic with the alchemy that is doing their own hair. As for Me, my Black Girl Magic shines when I don’t have to worry about my hair; but I look so good, You can’t tell that I didn’t have to fuss with it at all. That’s my magic. 

Get yourself a gorgeous LuvMe Hair wig with my promo code: bri.stories for a 23% discount.