May Affirmations 2022

May Affirmations 2022

Welcome to May, Friends. We may’d it. Get it? Sorry! Okay! Let’s get into it.

For Me, this month is about settling in to my true present. It’s about seeing the value in what I already have, who I already am, and not just looking forward to what’s becoming of Me. It doesn’t mean I don’t keep at it. Sure, I have goals, aspirations, and manifestations on the horizon, but I deserve my Love and appreciation as I am now. Instead of looking outside of myself, even to a future self, for the ideal, I want to see how I am ideally Me right now. Here’s a quote to help keep this front of mind.

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” -Malcolm Forbes

I want this for us all. I want You to look in the mirror each morning and relish in your present reflection instead of just fantasizing about what’s to come. It can still come, but that shouldn’t be the first time You show yourself some Love. Here are a few affirmations for us.

I am in Love with who I am right now.

My gifts were perfectly chosen for Me.

I release the need to compare.

I see my life, my gifts, and my experience for the beauty they all possess.

I see the value in others’ abilities without erasing the value in my own.

I am thankful that I am unlike anyone else.

I see myself as divine and worthy.

I also made us a playlist that You can access both on Apple Music and Spotify. I hope it helps set a tone and a groove for this beautiful month ahead. As always, I am sending You Love.