#20DaysWithWords Day 2

Tell the Story of Your First Kiss
For this week’s writing exercise, I have to be honest with you guys. I have absolutely no recollection of my first kiss. I do know that I was 12 years old because I had a huge crush on a guy I'll call...Jones. I was crazy about Jones! I can remember purposely missing my bus so that he could walk me home. This, of course, was completely selfish of me to put this young man out of his way to walk me home clear across town(about 15min), when I could have just as easily gotten a ride. But, walk me home so I know it's real, right? So, I'd like to believe that we shared an adorable first kiss on one of those walks home. That it started to drizzle outside and we ran for cover at the playground. That we crouched close together beneath the small shelter the top of the slide gave us. That the patter of rain mixed with the sounds of our panicked breaths, somehow we pushed our lips together and we shared a soft simple kiss. A moment so wonderful that it would forever be etched in my brain as the day I had my first kiss. But that's not the case! I know Jones gave me my first kiss, but I have no idea when and where leading me to believe that it wasn't that special at all. Whole time, shorty could've kissed me and ditched me. Told all of his friends about it. I got embarrassed, and blocked it out of my mind forever! I just don't know. We can put this mystery right on up there with how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop. The world may never know.
by @AyeTati
So, for some reason, my memory of my first kiss coincides with a memory of some dusty ass little boy throwing me in the snow. I believe it was the same day, by the same boy. So, that basically set the tone for the rest of my dating life; you be a little shitty and throw me in the snow, I kiss you anyway, my Love life is SET! Anyhow, the little boy’s name was Roger, and I was a late bloomer with the kissing game. Although I was humping (little girls because that’s totally fine) well before 2nd grade, I didn’t get down with the smooches until I was close to 13. So, we kissed, and that was it for me. Kissing has been a favorite pastime of mine ever since, just not a pastime that I indulge in often enough.
by @Bri.Stories
by @BlackRibbonCrochet