Bri StoriesComment

August Affirmations 2021

Bri StoriesComment
August Affirmations 2021

I swear, these words, quotes and things, always come to me right when I need them. I was thinking earlier this week about how many ways I may be denying myself bliss for short-term pleasure. I have this itch often to stop drinking. I usually quiet it with “balance”. It works, and I’m proud of my ability to have that balance, but I always wonder. Would I just…feel better if I didn’t do it at all? Those types of things always scare, they seem extreme, but how would I know if I never tried?

That’s just one example, but there are many ways that we keep up with habits that please us in the moment, but don’t contribute to our overall wellness. Then, every once in a while, we wonder, why aren’t we happy? The real question is: if you haven’t been happy, and you haven’t changed anything, how do you expect to get to happy? This brings me to this month’s quote.

“Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible.” -St. Augustine

Here are some affirmations that we can use as a gentle reminder that we are the only things in the way of our joy.

I am the creator of my joy.

I release all habits that contradict my desires.

I am open to receiving joy.

I expect happiness to come in ways I don’t expect.

I am thankful for every shape that my joy takes.

I live in ways that are harmonious with my highest good.

My desires are in alignment with my highest good.

What I want for me is what’s best for me.

This month and beyond, don’t stand in your own way. Be gentle with yourself in knowing that you have the ability to always choose what’s best for you; and never forget, that choice is only yours.

Happy August.