December Affirmations 2020

I honestly can’t believe that I’m even talking about December right now. There’s a bittersweet feeling that comes with this year coming to a close. There is hope. I found myself hoping to regain my power, to find the stability I’d lost, and that kind of shocked me. Do I really feel powerless? That’s such a deep thing to say, but I think this year has brought a lot of us to this thought. So, naturally, I came across this quote:
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” -Alice Walker
This quote told me to shape up and stop being a wuss. This year taught me that what I’d always thought I had was control, and that simply wasn’t the truth. We don’t control the world around us. We can only tap into the power we have, and no matter how much control is lost, our power never leaves. Here are some affirmations to keep us grounded in that truth.
I take radical responsibility for the reality I’m creating.
I recognize the individual power within myself and everyone I come across.
I view myself as the master of my own fate.
I’ve come to terms with the ways I’ve created my quality of life.
I confidently declare my desires.
I am creative with my life’s canvas.
I am limitless.
I am abundant.
I am breathing into my power in each moment.
Our power is never lost. It is imperative that we master the ways we use it. Let’s use it to keep our spirits high when the world around us has a plan much different than ours. Let’s use our power to know that we always have it.