The First Day After a Three Day Juice Cleanse

Okay, so boom. Today is Thursday, November 5, and from this past Monday through Wednesday, I had consumed nothing but 5 cold pressed juices a day and water. The juices that I detoxed with were from local Black Woman (and Black sisters) owned juice and tea providers, Serving Sistas. This was my very first time doing a three day juice cleanse, so I took notes! First, let’s take it back a bit to what compelled me to do something so drastic (for me).
Like everyone else on Earth, I’ve fallen victim to the 2020 chaos. It finally broke me. I’ve spent the bulk of the year being what the kids are calling toxic positive. From being furloughed from my job back in April, to the unpredictability of the unemployment process, I had to finally admit to myself that I’m not okay. I’m scared. I’ve lost my sense of security and that imbalance is pulling the ground right from under me.
Again, though, I just started being this honest one week and a day ago. The rest of the time has been spent painting right over my worries, affirming that everything’s gonna work out, and not even spending a moment processing the uncomfortable feelings that have showed up at every turn of this wild year. I don’t think I was quite in denial, denial would take noticing that something’s wrong. I just made it unseen; to myself, and certainly, to everyone around me. So, in my mind, I really was fine. There was nothing to stress about, nothing worrying me. In my mind. My body, however, is telling me something different.
As a child, I was challenged with eczema. Well, I guess I should say my Mother was challenged with my eczema, as it was her job to wash and moisturize me. She did a good job too. Up until now, I hadn’t even remembered what that felt like, it’d been so long. Now is now though, and my eczema is back with a vengeance. I guess she doesn’t like to be forgotten. When I had my first breakout back in April, I read that eczema outbreaks in adults are more than likely stress-induced. “But I’m not even stressed”, I laughed, “everything is fine!” Anybody else extremely annoyed with their past selves?
That April outbreak, might I add, was pretty minor. Arguably, had I admitted in that moment that I was stressed and worried, maybe I could have avoided this. But, you know, bygones. Here we are today, and I think it’s safe to say that I’m having the absolute worst eczema breakout I’ve ever had. I mean, it is just awful. I wouldn’t wish this even on 45 (too soon? as I’m writing this, we still don’t know who won, fingers crossed).
Eczema is not the only ailment that my covered up stress has manifested into my body. Oh no. Who do you think I am, a princess? I’ve also gained a lot of weight. Something that never used to bother me, because, let’s face it, I haven’t been dainty since college, but I was happy with my body. I’ve always had a non-restrictive attitude when it came to my diet, but this is different. I’ve been overeating due to an unhealthy codependency on food. I’m an emotional eater, and even though I didn’t admit to feeling the emotions, my food intake handled that.
So, here I stood, a week or so ago, breaking down about all I’ve ignored in this time. I was feeling depressed and anxious, and maybe even ashamed. It was a tough session for my therapist. So, I decided to give myself a reset button. I decided to create a new day one, and a juice cleanse was the perfect way to kick it off. I believe in the spiritual power of fasting, of sacrificing (for a limited time, of course) your bodily desires. So, the three days without food was a major part of the process, but what I got from these amazing juices was so much more.
So, just to break it down. The Serving Sistas three day juice detox consisted of five juices and one shot per day. I started the day with a lime shot. Drinking straight up lime like that has a ton of benefits including a host of vitamins, aiding in weight loss, reducing inflammation, and more. I followed that up with the celery juice. I know it’s an acquired taste, but I enjoyed it. Now, this is what gets your morning poop going. The last two days I did experience some diarrhea in the morning, but I read that that’s totally normal.
The next juice of the day was their Mother Nature juice. The Earth-green color lets you know that all the good stuff is in there, but that usually means it tastes like dirt. You’re gonna want to sit down for this, but, y’all, it is SO GOOD! I mean delicious. It’s giving mostly pineapple and I felt like I was on an island. The next juice, Immunity, so good, as well! This is packed with the vitamins that aide in keeping our white blood cells fighting to keep us well. You know how much that’s needed in this climate. (PSA, the Immunity Juice is not a mask replacement, wear your mask).
Next up was the Reset, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Affectionately called the “belly buster”, the Reset is packed with apple and grapefruit. Now, if you don’t already know about Miss Grapefruit, you better ask about her. The perfect addition to a diet meant for weight loss. Last, but certainly not least, Feel The Beet. Whew! Let the church sing: SO GOOOOOD! Beets and ginger are great anti-inflammatory agents, which is just what I needed! This one is also packed with antioxidants, a protector of our cells against free radicals. Can’t beet that, haha, get it? Okay, let’s move on.
So, how do I feel on the day after day three? I feel so much better than I thought I would. I feel a lot more equipped to conquer my stress eating. I feel more energized. I feel a hell of a lot lighter. I’m sure that’s a release of physical and emotional weight. I’ve experienced better sleep in the last two days. My eczema still needs a little TLC, but! I’ve been less itchy. That’s such a win! More than that, I’m feeling mental and emotional clarity, which is what I needed the most. I definitely took a risk doing this the week of the election, but I honestly feel like it’s kept me less stressed. I’m so thankful for that.
So, is it your turn? I only experienced a few of the many benefits that Serving Sistas juices have to offer, there are so many others to get after. Try it, you’ll see.