January Affirmations

Here we are. At the top of a new year, and even greater than that, a new decade! I don’t know about you, but for me, this transitional energy in the past month or so has been so strong. It’s like I’ve been feeling the actual energy shift in real time. Like all of a sudden, I’ve felt life moving from backwards to forwards. I’ve never been more aware of myself and the space I take up. It’s good to be here.
As we roll into the new roaring twenties, and just like every start to a new year, a lot of us may have this inclination to take some major action. Maybe you feel pressured to start the year off a certain way, correcting mistakes, and making shifts that you can both feel and see. I’m here to tell you that it can wait; that if you take this time and this energy to settle in and start trusting both your inner and outer processes, it may do you more good than the action you’re planning to take. Which brings us to the monthly quote:
“The integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing.” -Lao Tzu
Not too long ago, I read The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra for the second time. I came across this quote when starting on the fourth law: The Law of Least Effort. That’s this month’s theme. In a world of resolutions and misguided goals, taking the time to do less and know/trust more seems, to me, like a much better way to start a year. Know that you’re already where you’re meant to be, that your path is already set, and that there’s little to nothing that you have to do, be, or prove to continue towards your destiny. When following the Law of Least Effort, you’re inevitably not resisting, and when you’re not resisting, you’re in a state of flow. In the state of flow, you can enjoy yourself and rid yourself of worries of what’s next. In this space, you attract.
Here are some affirmations that will hopefully aid in this process of attracting:
I am already worthy.
I am more than enough.
I don’t try to be, I just am.
It is in my nature to manifest my desires.
My desires take form effortlessly.
My life is filled with miracles.
I am established in the knowledge of my true self.
All of my actions are motivated by Love.
I accept all things, all circumstances, and all people as they occur.
I know that every moment is as it should be.
I’ve relinquished my need to persuade others or defend my point of view.
I leave room for nature’s intelligence to unfold spontaneously.
Love this new beginning. May this be the start of an amazing year and decade.