Bri StoriesComment

June Affirmations 2021

Bri StoriesComment
June Affirmations 2021

I looked at my list and realized June was quickly approaching. My first thought was “omg, I don’t have a quote, what have I been doing?”. I felt the anxiety seep in and so I changed the subject. Then. Boom. I came across this: 

“The only difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.” -Bill Phillips

When I saw it, it felt so…on purpose. Needed. As always. As I ridiculed myself days before for not “doing” enough to have had a quote by that time, this came in to emphasize what it is that I…do; and what I should do if I want to get closer to my optimal self. 

I’ll give a little insight to what my “best” self does. She gives herself grace while also setting boundaries and applying discipline. She works out at 3 times a week. She travels. She sets intentions and makes it a mission to act within them. Somehow, at the same time, she flows freely. She’s pretty cool. Not too far from who I am today, but I’ve got some doing to do. 

Here are some affirmations for us as we “do” as our highest self does. 

Each day I put action towards my highest good. 

I align my effort to what feels best for me holistically. 

I do as my best self does. 

All things I do are done for the purpose of me feeling good. 

I choose to do what fulfills me. 

My actions are aligned with my highest good. 

Let’s do what feels good. Let’s do what pushes us closer to who we want to be. Cheers.