November Affirmations

We are living in a time when being isolated doesn’t make you any less subjected to the thoughts and ideas of others. With having to social distance, work from home, or not work at all, a lot of us are dependent upon the connections of social media to keep us mentally afloat. It can be a true blessing, a space to connect and keep the loneliness at bay even when no one is around; but it has its taste of being a curse as well.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I sometimes find myself very clouded with the thoughts, ideas, and anxieties of others, just from spending time on social media. As we await the most anticipated political news, and watch as horrors ensue around the world, it’s hard to know which feelings are mine. I am an empathetic person, who truly wants the best for the world at large, but if I’m being honest; that, to me, doesn’t equal such negative feelings. When I really spend time alone, and tap in to what’s actually happening, I realize that I’m fine. Even with all that I know is going on in the world, on my own, I’m very hopeful and not in a strong state of stress. This brings me to the quote:
“Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.” -Carl Jung
Okay, so the context isn’t quite the same, but the theme is there. It is so important that we remain tapped into our own inner workings. Start with how we really feel and do the work from the inside out.We can’t take care of anything unless we take care of ourselves first. We all come equipped with our own inner guide, and it gets harder to listen to with so much outside noise.
Here are some affirmations to help us tap in and stay on our own home frequency:
I come equipped with a divine inner guide.
I wait and listen for guidance from my highest self.
My inner workings are in perfect alignment with wisdom.
I trust myself.
Every decision I make is best for me.
I consider others’ positions and stand firm on my own.
While being empathetic, I am hopeful.
I allow myself to feel positively even when it seems inappropriate.
I find answers within myself.
I hope this helps us all tap in. When the outside world seem hopeless, we can look to ourselves to know that we are always okay. Keep that in heart and mind.