Reporting Live from the 6

6. 6 is the number this week. 600 episodes of Your Morning Message and 6 years of Away With Words The Podcast. I may dip into some insecurity and uncertainty from time to time, but one thing that is for sure is that your girl is consistent. I’m very proud. I’m also very here. Very calm. Very present.
Sometimes thoughts come up, questions. “Shouldn’t we be further ahead after all these years? More well known? More paid?” I can’t lie and pretend those thoughts don’t come up, but this feeling that resides in me in this moment overrides it all. Trust. I have a deep inner knowing that where I’m headed, where my team is headed, it’s beyond my imagination. So, fret for what? Question for what?
I’m thankful for that because it hasn’t always been that way. Nonetheless, I’ve never felt inclined to stop doing what I’m doing. Somehow, that’s never been an option, and that’s enough for me to know that I’m right where I’m meant to be.
Although the growth may not have been very tangible, as of yet, so much growth has happened in this time. I don’t know if I can say that I’m a “totally different person”, but I know I am the best I’ve ever been. I know I have my work to thank for a lot of that. I’ve had the privilege of learning what’s beautiful about the parts of me that I used to try to tame. I’ve had the gift of processing and healing out loud, and I know now that it’s mattered to others.
So, to you, thank you. For reading, for listening, for watching, for giving me this space to grow alongside you. And to me…keep doing what you’re doing, My Love.