Bri Stories4 Comments

August Affirmations 2022

Bri Stories4 Comments
August Affirmations 2022

Whew chile, I am in a space. I Love it here though, I mustn’t leave that out. There are some moments of growth that hurt so bad, moments I can’t wait to see end; and then there are these, moments when I see and feel the growth and it feels like bliss, like pure Love and joy just bursting from my heart space. I Love it here. I am ready to be who I want to be. Are you? Let’s get into it.

“Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act.” -Leonard Cohen

Everyday, every encounter, every circumstance, it’s all practice. I am practicing like the championship is coming up. I am being guided by my body and my inner wisdom, letting it tell me who to be. I am acting on it. I am being the person I pictured. Someone I didn’t know existed. I know I won’t always get it perfect, but I’m committed to the practice. Here are some affirmations:

Every moment is an opportunity for me to practice being who I want to be.

I am someone worth looking up to.

I take my time and intentionally choose my responses.

Everyday I am growing more into my ideal self.

I impress myself often.

I am always in alignment with my highest self.

I am everything I say I am.

Cheers to being your best you, the real you. Enjoy the practice. Happy August, Dear Heart. Sending You Love.