April Affirmations 2023

This month’s theme is: Give What You Seek to Receive. The concept of this has always been something quietly floating within me. I think, for every physical thing we desire, there is an underlying feeling we are looking to achieve. So, when I’m yearning for more money, perhaps what I really want is freedom, and a sense of security. When we long for a romantic partner, many times, we’re really looking to feel Love and like we belong. The note here isn’t to stop wanting, but to find out where, in our current lives, we already have access to these feelings. To either tap into ourselves, or to give to someone else.
“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I challenge us all to practice this concept. If you’re looking for more Love, find ways to give it, and take note of how much you feel, in the process. Try this with any good feelings. How can you give it to someone else? The first step is knowing that you are abundant in the the things that you seek. You have plenty to give. Next, just let it flow through you with the intention set to create positive experiences for others. Here are some affirmations that I hope will help:
I trust that I am already equipped with what I desire.
I reward everyone around me for the good I see in them.
I have plenty, so I give with ease.
I am always tuned into the frequency of gratitude.
I am overflowing with positive resources.
I believe that positivity is our human birthright.
I exist in perfect balance, giving and receiving in an effortless flow.
We can all contribute to creating a positive balance and flow in our world. Let’s all do our part and bring joy with us everywhere we go. Let me know how it goes. Sending you so much Love. Happy April!