June Affirmations 2024

In my last therapy session, I was expressing my frustration and feeling of being tired of experiencing my anxiety the way that I do. I told my therapist that I’m just over it and I think I’m ready to start discussing my options by way of medication. She said that that is always an option, but that She’d like Me to give it some more time as She believes that everything is currently going exactly as it should be; exactly as we’d manifested it, in fact.
Puzzled, I waited for her to say more. I watched her flip backwards in her folder and stop on a page that held our “goals” for 2024. She reminded Me that I communicated my desires to (a) learn more about what triggers my anxiety and (b) develop better relationships with often avoided emotions like anger. Ah, the power of speaking what we seek strikes again.
With the intentions I’d set, of course, I’m feeling these things more than I ever had an awareness of before. Of course it feels extreme, as I’m exposing myself to experiences I’d grown accustomed to avoiding. Bringing us to this month’s quote:
“The cure for the pain is in the pain.” -Rumi
In wanting to learn more about myself and my emotional health, I had to then be open to feeling those emotions. Such a simple and logical sentiment, but I’d forgotten all about the intention set while in the thick of it. Perhaps, that’s by design - we cannot logic and intellectualize our way through healing. We have to feel it all. Here are some affirmations to help guide us down that path:
I am safe to feel my feelings to completion.
I trust that there is healing on the other side of pain and discomfort.
My feelings are valid.
I am responsible for my own healing.
I make space for each of my emotions.
I can easily control my response to my emotions.
I am grateful for feeling.
Thank You - sending You so much Love into this blooming season. Be all that You’re meant to be.