April Affirmations 2024

If You’ve been keeping up with my weekly journal entry emails, consider this a continuation. The quote and overall theme this month (though, I came across the quote over a month ago) seem to fit well into this space of my life. I’ve probably heard the analogy of the caterpillar shedding its cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly many dozen times - however, I’ve only heard talk of the pain and discomfort that that process could hold, maybe once.
“We are seeking not to define ourselves, but to expand ourselves.” -Rick Rubin
Growing is a part of our being - it is quite literally the whole point of us being at all. The discomfort, and even pain, that comes with growing is absolutely worth it, if You see it through. I’m settling into an acceptance of that fact. I’m developing a deeper trust in the process, even the painful parts.
I, like many people, I’m sure, get very caught up in wanting to label myself - my characteristics and their origins. I want to be able to easily look at a part of myself and say “oh that’s just my {insert label}”, instead of just being, and letting it be (so long as it is not harmful). There’s nothing wrong with gaining an understanding, or even knowing what’s what so that we can know what needs correcting, but that’s not our life’s work. We are safe to be, and to let the natural process of growth take place within us.
Here are some affirmations:
Becoming who I am meant to be is worth the discomfort of growing.
I am ever-expanding.
I am thankful that there is more to learn.
The world and its circumstances are in service to Me and my growth.
Everything that happens is for my highest good.
I welcome each opportunity to grow more into myself.
I settle into the pleasure of becoming who I am.
Sending so much total and absolute Love. Happy April.