August Affirmations 2024

Without knowing that I was, I’ve been thinking a lot about my habits. It’s common to think of habits the same way we’d think of a checklist - these easily described actions that we do on a regular basis. I’ve come to notice, though, the habit of who I am. All the little thoughts and actions, that are not so easy to describe, that have created the essence of Me.
In reflection, there are some things that I really enjoy about the habit of being Me, some things that come naturally to Me that I find to be healthy. There are others, however, that I work to keep in check. The only way I’ve found to do so is with radical presence.
There’s something that happens when committed to presence. Everything becomes a choice, and making a choice means taking intentional action.
“Live less out of habit and more out of intent.” - Amy Rubin Flett
The habit, then, becomes doing what I do with intention. And that’s not an oxymoron, the way I once would have thought. I’m seeing now that it’s possible, to get off of autopilot and to really live on purpose - and making that the habit.
Here are some affirmations to bring to this practice:
I am intentionally who I am.
My habits support my efforts to be my best self.
Being present comes naturally to Me.
I make choices that are good for Me.
I take radical responsibility for where I am and where I am going.
My life is shaped with intention.
My experience is a reflection of my inner alignment.
Thank You, Loved Ones. May this month be all You intend it to be.