September Affirmations 2024

“I am very glad I lived through some hard days, so that I could have this one.” -John Green
When I first came across this quote, it almost caught Me by surprise. This thought, even the wording of it, is a sentiment I’ve shared many times in the past few years. It was almost like, for a second, I forgot that I couldn’t possibly be the only person who has had to come to this understanding. As I’ve learned to navigate depression, and even sadness in general, I’ve found myself euphoric on the days and in the moments when I finally break free. There is absolutely nothing like that feeling.
What that experience is here to teach Me, ultimately, is radical acceptance and trust. The more reps I’ve gotten with depression and sadness, the better I’ve been able to understand how fleeting it all is. I’ve been able to learn to trust that the tide always changes, that it always shifts back. I’ve also been able to see my experience in its totality; not separating the challenging from the good, but understanding that it’s all a part of the process. Even appreciating that reality.
These affirmations have come to Me to support my efforts in accepting the ebbs and flows of this life:
I am grateful for perspective.
I feel my way through the good and the challenging.
I am learning to appreciate all parts of my experience.
I find satisfaction where I am, knowing that even better is coming.
I honor the versions of Me who have struggled.
I trust that I am always being guided to better days.
The goodness in my life is worth every setback.
I’m thankful to be in this accepting place today and want the same for us all - if for nothing else - to usher in a gentler lived experience. The experience that I believe we all deserve. May this month bring You peace as You undergo all of what life brings.