November Affirmations 2024

“My blessings found me when I found my way back to myself.” -Claudia Chiavaroli
When I first heard this quote on Claudia’s TikTok, it struck me so much that I had to write it down. As I did, I heard Beyonce singing “Find Your Way Back”. While last month’s quote focused on community, this one focuses on what you need most to fuel anything else. It’s not contradictory at all, serving ourselves will always fuel our efforts in other areas and with other people.
The act of finding my way back is a dance I’ve come to enjoy. I’ve noticed that I am most in flow, most joyous, most attractive, when I am in sync with myself. I am my own source, I’ve found. As I write this, I’m in the day after my first real solo trip. It was a day trip to New York to see Wicked on Broadway for their 21st anniversary (I found out when I got there) and for little Bri who needed to see it one more time before the movie premieres this month.
It wasn’t a trip that I originally intended to take alone, but like all things, this fell into place the way it was meant to. Spending time with myself, my own source, following my own guidance in real time - that was needed. I am reminded of all I am equipped with. I am grateful to be in relationship with Me.
Here are some affirmations to usher in this self-Loving energy:
I always make my way back to my core.
I am my most reliable companion.
My inner work brings beauty to my outer experience.
I am abundant just as I am.
I am worthy just as I am.
I Love myself deeply.
I trust myself deeply.
My own guidance is the best there is.
Sending you so much Love and a reminder to Love yourself fully to better equip you to pour into others this holiday season. Happy November!