February Affirmations 2021

Whew. Month one of this new year is already behind us. I’m still not used to this time flying as an adult thing. Time didn’t zip by like this when I was a kid. *Sigh* C’est la vie. Maybe January was a bit intense, maybe you started your diets and workout routines. Maybe you slipped. Maybe you stayed at it and you feel good. Whatever groove, you’re currently in, I’m encouraging you to stay in it.
I was thinking about the progress I want to make as time continues to go by this year. I noticed the feelings and thoughts that came up when I thought about progressing. I thought about work, I thought about effort, and it made me feel a bit tense. So, now, I’ve decided that I want a side of peace with my progression. This brings me to this month’s quote.
“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” -Barack Obama
I Love this. Why does getting better have to come with so much strain? Why are we programmed to believe that if it isn’t a struggle, no real work is getting done? This is not to say that we shouldn’t work hard, this is about our mindsets around our work. If we have ease within us, what we’re doing outside of us won’t feel as heavy. Here are some affirmations to keep us in the groove:
I am at ease on my life’s path.
I do not worry that my blessings will miss me.
Each day is an opportunity to get closer to my highest self.
I feel satisfaction in my present moment.
I am confident that the path I’ve chosen is right for me.
Everything I desire comes to me with ease.
I accept each portion of the path I’m walking.
I am optimistic about moments that have yet to reveal themselves.
All we have to do is keep moving. Wake up each day with the intention to get a little bit further than we did the day before. In whatever way possible. You are doing enough. You are enough. Breathe in some ease.