Bri StoriesComment

January Affirmations 2021

Bri StoriesComment
January Affirmations 2021

What. A. Year. As I’m writing this some days before it is made available to you, I have full understanding that at midnight there won’t be a giant flash in the sky with Ashton Kutcher showing up as a hologram in the air to tell us we’ve been punk’d, and life is now officially back to normal. How dope would that be though, right? Especially if it came with a check for all of our pain and suffering, but, of course, we know that’s not the case. What I do want for us though, on a realistic level, is just an exhale. Maybe it won’t be a sigh of relief, but a conscious breath that lets go of what’s already happened, and pushes us into our future. 

A thought that came to mind after optimism, is fear. The fear of the continuation of something we all deemed a pretty bad space in time. The fear of the unknown. None of us know what this year may bring, and after the past year, we have no idea what to even expect. 2020 pushed a lot of us into our worst fears; loss on all levels, discomfort, instability, and uncertainty. In a strange way, that brings me back to the optimism that I feel for 2021. Think about it. Even with all of our fears coming face to face, we made it.

I, for one, feel that I know so much more about myself and my desires, now that I know that I can survive the fruition of my fears. I would have never gotten some of these insights had I not been brought to those points. I implore you to think about this. What do our fears say about us? How can we challenge our fears enough to see what’s on the other side of them? This brings me to this month’s quote: 

“The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.” -Joseph Campbell

Here are some affirmations to steady us as we learn to befriend our fears. 

I can coexist with my fears. 

I can feel fear and still move forward. 

I can let go of fears that did not originate with me. 

As I steady myself in the present, I look joyously toward the future.

I am confident in my ability to come out of the other side of my fears. 

I consciously choose not to wear the fears of others. 

I release the need to judge my fears. 

I accept fear as a part of my story. 

The fears of my past won’t dictate my future. 

As we embark on a brand new year, I hope for us all, not to eliminate fear, but to press on in its presence. Cheers.