Bri StoriesComment

I'm Learning

Bri StoriesComment
I'm Learning

I’m learning what to do with uncertainty. 

I wrote that sentence days ago, and now I’m even more in a space of uncertainty. A space of learning and shifting. I don’t take this as anything negative, and it doesn’t come with fear. In fact, I feel a lot of Love generating from this space. I do know, though, that I have a long way to go. I know that on an intuitive level. It’s something that I just feel, because I don’t quite know where the destination is, where I’m being led.

In this space, I’m learning to be okay with that; to Love when I don’t know, and to admit that that’s much more often than I sometimes want to share. I’m learning to feel my way through. I’m learning that I have to slow down to learn. I have to check my reactions. I have to take steps back and challenge my defenses. 

I’m learning how to coexist with others as who I’m becoming. I’m learning to release the resistance that comes when someone I Love doesn’t Love the same way as me. I’m learning that if I move from a space of what feels good, I won’t be steered wrong. I’m learning that, inside, I always know when something is or isn’t good. I’m learning to take note of resistant feelings, certain types of discomfort. 

I’m learning that at any given moment I’m either tuned into Love or I’m tuned to fear. I’m learning to make it that simple. It’s either Love or fear and Love is always the goal. I’m learning what it feels like on each side, so that I can better steer myself. I’m learning that my fears fuel my judgement, of myself and others. I’m learning acceptance, to not label, to just let me, let things, let others, be. 

I’m learning that I don’t have to make my emotions mean anything about me or anyone I’m connected with. I’m learning not to take things personally. I’m learning that my frequency has a lot of different factors that determine it, and I’m no different than anyone else. I’m learning to empathize. I’m learning to lead with Love and with compassion. 

I’m learning that I will slip, and when I do, I can quickly get back to Love. I’m learning to know when I’m acting from hurt spaces, from fear, from wounds. I’m learning to heal as I go, so that I don’t spread hurt. I’m learning to release shame. I’m learning that I can only do my best with who I am at this moment. I’m learning to Love myself through it all. 

I’m learning to forgive quickly, to let go easily. I’m learning to Love others in a way that makes them feel free, because that’s how I want to Love myself. That’s what I want for me. I’m learning to create space for learning. I’m learning to create space for healing. I’m learning intention and being in alignment on purpose. 

For now, and forever, I’m learning.