March Affirmations 2024

Sometimes I see a quote and it resonates right away. I immediately get a sense for the angle I’m seeing it in and how I want to communicate it. I Love those moments, but I am always prepared to do away with it, if it no longer applies when I sit to write these monthly posts. With this month’s post, it still applies, weeks later, just in a different way than it did before.
“Happiness is the longing for repetition.” -Milan Kundera
My theme for this, as soon as I saw it, was “stop straying from the formula”. It still is the theme, but in the last couple of weeks I’ve had to put emphasis on the idea of having a formula; on finding the formula and shifting it as needed. Being experimental and trusting my experience.
I have the tendency to be a bit rigid. That’s why my first thought when reading this quote was “stop straying from the formula”. That’s my rigid side saying “you know what you need to feel your best, so just do that shit.”. In the weeks that followed, however, various occurrences in my life have helped me to realize that the repetition really needs to exist in listening to myself.
Sometimes, I get up at 4:30 in the morning, on purpose. I spend my mornings in very particular ways, catering to my mind and my body. In those moments, that’s what I need to feel my best. Sometimes, I wake up and immediately decide to stay in bed. In those moments, that’s what I need to feel my best.
I am deciding that my body knows best and that I can listen inwardly and be guided in the best ways. For You, You may actually have a specific formula that You should never stray from, if that’s what works, don’t stray from the formula.
For us both, I offer these affirmations:
I have all I need to feel my very best.
My joy lies in what I repeatedly do.
I am already equipped with all it takes to be my best.
I have unending access to my joy.
Joy is my birthright.
I was created to enjoy this life.
I find the guidance to peace and satisfaction within myself.
Sending You Love. Happy March.