April Affirmations

I don’t know if any of us have experienced a more uncertain time. When the world seems to be collectively unraveling, the collective anxiety can make it hard to breathe. The human in us wants so many things at once. We want wellness for ourselves and the people around us, we want to try to enjoy ourselves, but mostly, we want our sense of normalcy. If no one has told you yet, everything you are feeling is okay.
Here’s what I’m finding to be the tricky part in a time like this. I want to remind myself to be present at all times. Just be here. Feel it all. Experience it. Sometimes, the experience doesn’t feel all that good, and in those moments, I have to find a way to trust that everything will work out for the best. This brings me to this month’s quote:
“Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.” -Santosh Kalwar
It’s hard to trust something that you don’t find true. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible actually. So, a lot of the needed process is exploring the opposite. Sure, it’s true that things can go wrong, but it is equally true that things can go tremendously right. We have to work to make that shift and make it stick. If trust starts and ends with the truth, we have to be intentional about what we believe is true; and the trust we gain will bring us ease.
Here are some affirmations that will help us shift:
I put my trust in the most positive outcomes.
I believe that I attract the best case scenario.
I trust that everything is working for my best interest, therefore, I move with ease.
It is easy for me to see the bright side.
I am always guided in the direction of what is most beneficial.
I am always excited for what’s to come.
I believe it to be true that I am worthy and deserving.
I approach all steps of life with a sense of calm and joy.
I am worry-free.
When you worry about what’s coming, what are you actually saying? Maybe that the negative is inevitable? That you don’t deserve a positive outcome? If any of this feels true to you, I ask that you practice these affirmations and establish new truths. Everything will be better than okay, and you deserve it to be. Trust that to be true.