May Affirmations 2024

Interestingly enough, I’d already had the quote chosen and affirmations written for the month of May, and today, I read a section of Tabitha Brown’s book that was so much in alignment. She talked about the lack of freedom in living our lives based on what other people want for us - essentially limiting ourselves to someone else’s reality. I believe that in our quiet, in the space the we create that enables inspiration to come to us - that is a much more vast space to live in than our subconscious minds, which is programmed on what’s always been for us. There’s so much more.
Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” -Benjamin Spock
The theme for this month is to “Stay on your side”. Exercise the trust that it takes to truly go with your flow. Allow for some space to hear yourself and start doing more of what You feel genuinely called to. You can trust your instincts, your impulses. There’s so much more to You than the little You experience in your day to day. Give yourself the benefit of at least trying what comes up for You. It could change your life for the better.
For this journey, I offer us affirmations:
I trust myself.
I am well equipped for where I am and where I’m going.
I am divinely guided.
I make room for wisdom to continue to come to Me.
I always find the solution.
I choose people who are able to help fill my gaps.
Everything is always working out for Me.
Sending You Love into this new month. Trust yourself.